
Knoll light factory 3.2
Knoll light factory 3.2

You can also adjust the direction of the light source, the level of illumination into RGB, Alpha, Alphas, Lights and Reverse Lights and the lens luminosity and angle. It also allows you to change the colors of the inside and the outside, the direction of the tone, the depth of the frame, and the softness and brightness. All in all, Knoll Light Factory is an intimidating Adobe Photoshop plug-in to incorporate lens flare effects to render the photos look real.

knoll light factory 3.2 knoll light factory 3.2 knoll light factory 3.2

The position, level of darkness, and light source are therefore changed to the size, color, and angle of the lens:’ RGB,” Alpha’ or’ RGB+Apha,” Inverse Alpha,” Luminance’ or’ Inverse Luminance.’ Next, you can go to Lens editor and deal with presets like Elliptical Caustic, Random Fan, Chroma Hoop, Closing Reflect, Shine, Rectangular Spread and more.

Knoll light factory 3.2