
Using endnote for systematic review
Using endnote for systematic review

Keep reading to learn the following systematic review tips for librarians: If you’re new to the field or want to brush up on your knowledge about systematic reviews, this blog is designed to help. That is, of course, if you’ve helped with systematic reviews many times over. Your knowledge of databases and search strategies can help researchers at your institution create a robust, well-documented protocol, supported by best-practice tools and resources. Librarians bring unique value to the systematic review process. You can also register for our webinar to learn more.

using endnote for systematic review

Learn what they are and discover best-practice search tips and guides for researchers at your institution. If you cannot attend the session but would like to access the material, please register.Read our systematic review tips for librarians. Slides and recordings will be made available to registered participants. *Please note: This workshop will be recorded.

using endnote for systematic review

If you have trouble installing EndNote ahead of our class, please contact the Library.Īll UTS staff and researchers who are doing a systematic review and using EndNote. Register for an EndNote Online account using your UTS email address.Watch the relevant Introduction to EndNote video and become familiar with how EndNote works at a basic level.Download EndNote (for instructions, visit our YouTube Playlist).Bookmark our comprehensive Study Guide on EndNote.To learn how to do those things, please do the following before attending the ‘EndNote for Researchers’ workshop:

using endnote for systematic review

This workshop will not cover downloading or installing the EndNote software, getting referencing styles, or downloading references from the library catalogue or Google Scholar. How to export (in XML) to use in screening software like Covidence.Backing up and sharing a library with collaborators.How to organise references using groups.How to export large results from databases.This workshop will focus on how to best use EndNote for your systematic review. References can be entered into EndNote manually or exported from databases and library catalogues. Funder Requirements: Metrics and Research DataĪustralian Guide to Legal Citation (AGLC)ĮndNote is a software package that will assist you to collect, store, organise and output references in various referencing styles.

Using endnote for systematic review